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Augsburg's Fuggerei


                                           | STORY BY SHARON WHITLEY LARSEN |

              magine paying only one dollar per  today converted to .88 euro cents, or   four times the annual rent!) tour the
            Iyear in rent!                     about $1!  The rent has stayed the same   bucolic grounds of this interesting, his-
                                               over five centuries!               toric, walled complex.
            That's what some 150 residents are
            charged to live at the Fuggerei in Augs- And Fuggerei residents can live here (in  The Fuggerei, built between 1514 and
            burg, Germany, the world's oldest char-  this city of 260,000) indefinitely—with  1523, originally had 52 cottages with
            itable social housing complex.  It was   no rent increase!            106 apartments—“a city within a city.”
            established in 1520 by visionary Ja-  One of the city’s most popular tour- At one time it also had a school.  Today
            kob Fugger “The Rich” as low-income   ist destinations, the charming, carm-  the complex has been expanded to 67
            housing for needy Roman Catholics   el-colored Fuggerei is a living museum,  two-story buildings with 140 apart-
            who were required to be upstanding   managed by the Fugger Family Council   ments,  each with private entrances,
            citizens--and Augsburg residents for at   trust.  Some 200,000 annual visitors   ranging from 500 to 700 square feet,
            least two years. Nearly 500 years ago   (who—with the exception of school   with a modest sitting room, bedroom,
            they were charged one Rhenish gulden,  children--each pay 4 euros, more than   kitchen,and bathroom.  The downstairs

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