Page 60 - WDT Magazine Egypt
P. 60
On our third day, we were exhausted and sug-
gested to our guide that we forgo lunch and return
to the hotel to relax and rest, knowing we faced a 4
a.m. wake up call the next forming for our flight to
Luxor. But he was reluctant since we had reserva-
tions. We suggested a quick lunch then, we said.
Unfortunately, Cairo gridlock took its toll, and an
hour passed before we made our way to the restau-
rant and found a parking place.
The establishment was empty except one table
where locals were celebrating a birthday. We just
ordered our meal when the Egyptian version of
the Birthday Song began blaring out of blown out
Sana Helwa ya Gameel (cha cha cha)
Sana Helwa ya Gameel (cha cha cha)
Sana Helwa, Sana Helwa
Sana Helwa ya Gameel (cha cha cha)
Happy Birthday Oh Beautiful One,
Happy Birthday Oh Beautiful One,
Happy Birthday, Happy birthday,
Happy Birthday Oh Beautiful One
Over and over it played, finally ending just as our
food arrived. When in Egypt, eat like an Egyptian,
so Ron ordered a favorite dish, stuffed pigeon. The
whole bird boiled, then stuffed with herbed rice
before being seared to a dark brown in a skillet.
Eyeing the skinny bird, Ron was unsure where to
start. He pulled off the tiny legs and thighs. What lit-
tle meat he picked from the carcass was tough and
gamey. Only later did we learn that stuffed pigeon
is eaten like a burrito, bones and all – something we
will not be attempting anytime soon - if ever.
The restaurant management forced
Ron to wear this silly cap in attempt
to make him forget his lunch selec-
tion which was for the birds. Mary is