Page 62 - WDT Magazine Egypt
P. 62


                  he best dinner on our trip was at the Osmanly   the attentive service throughout this excellent dining
                  conveniently located two floors down from   experience.
            Tour hotel room. In this modern, open and           The feast began with a tasty soup called Yaylacor-
            comfortable fine-dining room,  chefs paid homage   basi – a 14th-century recipe and a favorite of the
            to classic dishes of the Ottoman Empire which once   Sultan made with Turkish yogurt, chopped herbs, rice
            ruled Egypt. Once we were seated, our waiter brought   and flavored with butter. Beautifully plated hot and
            a brass pitcher of jasmine water and warm towel for   cold meze followed.
            hand-washing – a lovely beginning and typical of    Ron had the Signature HünkarBeğendi; mean-

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