Page 89 - WDT Magazine Egypt
P. 89
a show it was. Dozens of small bright blue row boats
descended on the cruise ship. While one boy rowed,
a second tossed clothing and other textiles wrapped
in plastic bags up on to our decks. Eager passengers
opened them and decided if they want to to make
a purchase. If so, they threw an agreed upon sum
back in the plastic bag; if not, they tossed the reject
goods back. It was entertaining watching the boat-
men’s frantic throwing and catching, sometimes
missing and diving for the money or the returned
goods. Sometimes there were angry disagreements
over payments. But in the end, everyone was satis-
fied; sellers and buyers waved goodbye as the ship
moved down the Nile.
We pulled into Esna as the sun was going down.
There is a red stone temple of Esna, dedicated to the
god Khnum. But there was not a scheduled tour, and
everyone was whipped from sightseeing. So it was
early dinner and bed; needless to say, we missed
disco night on the ship.
The dock at Esna where the St
George would dock for the night.
Bottom The lounge and senior offic-
ers of the St George.