Page 94 - WDT Magazine Egypt
P. 94
The massive twin towers of the tem-
ple decorated with reliefs telling the
story of Horus. Right: Mohamed and
the Pharaohs pose inside a temple
Mohamed was waiting for the Pharaohs, all of us
a bit wide-eyed from the jostling trip. None of us
could imagine arranging the ride on our own. All paid
careful attention to Mohamed’s instructions as we
entered the temple grounds and moved to a shady
area where Mohamed began this tour as he did eve-
ryone, by giving us historical and cultural context for
what we were about to see.
The Temple of Horus, the falcon god, was built
during the Ptolemy dynasty beginning in 237 BC and
finished 200 years later by Ptolemy XIII, the father of
Cleopatra. It is one of the best-preserved temples in
Egypt - many of the hieroglyphics and relief carvings