Page 92 - WDT Magazine Egypt
P. 92
We did as we were told and each of us was given a
number matched to one of the carriages. When our
number was called, we climbed into our carriage, eye-
ing our thin horse and eager driver, accompanied by
his teenage son, likely an apprentice in this business
handed down generation to generation.
This is big business in Edfu. A few years earlier,
some large tour companies decided to bypass the
bothersome carriages for modern shuttle buses.
Families and friends of the drivers were incensed.
They stoned the new vans, breaking windows and
headlights and scaring van operators and passengers
alike. It didn’t take long for the new transport com-
pany to wave the white flag and disappear.
We felt like we were in a combination parade and
horse race as our driver quickly trotted us through
the dusty downtown. Soon we peeled away from the
main street into a narrow paved road flanked by tall
stucco walls. Dozens of carriages slowed down as we
arrived at the drop off area. Remember your number,
our driver reminded us. He would wait for us under a
covered arbor here while we toured the temple and
then return us to the dock.
Horses some rest while waiting for
the return trip to the dock. Bottom:
Mohamed and the pharaohs and
street scene in the city.