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He recounted the rise of the Zulu kingdom
under the legendary King Shaka Zulu,
whose military strategies transformed the
Zulu people into a formidable force in the
early 19th century. He also described the
struggles of the Anglo-Zulu War of 1879
and how Zulu resilience and pride have
preserved their vibrant culture to this day.
In about 90 minutes, we arrived in St.
Lucia, a town where nature and civilization
collide in the most unexpected ways. Quaint
guesthouses, boutique lodges, and charm-
ing cafés lined the main street, catering to
visitors eager to explore the area’s natural
wonders. But despite its modern amenities,
St. Lucia has a wild side.
Signs warned of wandering hippos, es-
pecially at night. Within minutes, we spot-
ted warthogs trotting down sidewalks,
completely unfazed by passing cars. Ash-
ley, a longtime St. Lucia resident, shared his
love for the subtropical paradise, though he
jokingly listed the downsides—mosquitos,
summer’s sweltering heat, and the occa-
sional power outage, like the one affecting
the town that day after a powerful thun-
derstorm. “The hippos, though,” he grinned.
“They’re the real locals. They go wherever
they want.”
We would soon witness this firsthand.
In Zulu Land
But first we would visit a Zulu village.
Our van headed off the main highway to
head down narrow roads alongside women
returning from markets with bundles bal-
anced on their heads. Children, on holiday
from school, cheerfully waved as we
At our first stop, in the shade of a tree,
we were captivated by a traditional per-
formance by young Zulu dancers, who
moved to the rhythm of pounding drums. A
confident six-year-old boy stole the show,
earning cheers for his high kicks and light-
ning-fast steps. When invited to join in, we