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donned faux Zulu attire and gamely at-
                                                              tempted the dances—far more challenging
                                                              than they looked, even for Beate and Leo.
                                                              We earned plenty of applause—and hearty
                                                              laughter—from our hosts.
                                                                  Our cultural immersion continued with a
                                                              visit to the village sangoma, or traditional
                                                              healer. We were ushered into his home, a
                                                              tiny, dimly lit room filled with jars of herbs
                                                              and powders—tools of his trade. The heat
                                                              was stifling, even after the visibly sweating
                                                              sangoma opened a small window.
                                                                  The sangoma explained how his ances-
                                                              tors’ spirits had chosen him to serve as the
                                                              community healer, guiding him in diagnos-
                                                              ing and treating ailments. To demonstrate,
                                                              he cast bones, shells, and small stones
                                                              from a leather bag. A small blue stone
                                                              landed near Mary, and the sangoma re-
                                                              vealed that it symbolized her deep connec-
                                                              tion to water. Considering we had been
                                                              traveling the seas for six weeks, his insight
                                                              felt remarkably accurate.
                                                                  Our final stop was the compound of a
                                                              woman who supported her large extended
                                                              family by crafting sleeping mats. Seated
                                                              on a low stool, she worked with calm preci-
                                                              sion, surrounded by family members rang-
                                                              ing from a week-old baby to grown
                                                              children and grandchildren. One of her
                                                              daughters deftly demonstrated the intri-
                                                              cate weaving process, transforming estu-
                                                              ary reeds into sturdy mats. Invited to try
                                                              their hand at weaving, our companions ea-
                                                              gerly joined in, impressing everyone with
                                                              their skill.
                                                                  An Afternoon on the St. Lucia Estuary
                                                                  After a leisurely lunch, Ashley led us to
                                                              the pier for a river safari. I hesitated, vivid
                                                              images from jungle movies flooding my
                                                              mind—hippos upending boats and croco-
                                                              diles lurking for stragglers. Ashley chuck-
                                                              led. “You’ll be safe,” he assured me. “The
                                                              boat’s sturdy, and our guide’s as sharp as
                                                              they come.”

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