P. 34

Paella is also the best-known Spanish dish orig-  weddingpartysome20yearslater,whereagigantic
            inating in beautiful Valencia, which happens to be  pan of seafood paella was the main dish. And that
            surrounded by rice fields and orange groves. There  was the best until this trip when Mary and I
            are lots of variations, but Valencians are religiously  whipped up a stunning batch in paella school in Va-
            passionate about the dish and consider it a sacri-  lencia. More about that later.
            legetouseanyingredientsotherthanthoseintheir         Tapas was also another old culinary friend, al-
            recipe.                                           though the tapas restaurants I dined at in America
               Many years ago, when my Navy ship docked in    were hit and miss. The name tapas comes from
            Barcelona, I accidentally ordered paella with no  Spanishverbtaparortocover–whichdoesn'tmake
            idea what it was. Even for my young palate, it was a  much sense unless you're familiar with the leg-
            revelation. I never had another as good until my  endary origin of tapas. Centuries ago, to keep bugs

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