P. 80

In 2011 the chef and wife Sylvia opened their  ducted into the exclusive Society European Culi-
            restaurantCasaGeckoinMarbella,Spain,toputhis      naria, and in 2016 in Prague, and received a Golden
            gastronomic vision to work. Sylvia acted as GM and  Spoon award. With Sylvia by his side, he has be-
            handled the front of the house while Jeff made    come a celebrity chef featured on television and in
            magic in the kitchen. The next year they found the  magazines. He also travels the world, showcasing
            "perfect" location that provided more creative    his distinctive style and showmanship at special
            freedom and moved Casa Gecko to nearby Mijas      culinary events.
            2012.                                                When the daily grind of running a full-time

            The restaurant was a hit with food lovers from    restaurant became too much, the couple reluc-
            around the world - earning five stars on Trip Advi-  tantly decided to close Casa Gecko. They now have
            sor – a challenging standard to attain - and earning  the freedom to explore new opportunities while
            a coveted certificate of excellence. The chef was in-  raising a young family.

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