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Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

               Also in central Madrid, near Atocha Station, is  Sofia since 1992.
             the third leg of of the city’s “Golden Triangle of  Powerful, especially given recent headlines
             Art,” the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina     from the war raging in Ukraine, “Guernica”
             Sofía, famous for its displays of 20th century    didn’t disappoint as a moving indictment of war.
             most Spanish artworks. It was a very warm day     But the museum had much more to offer. We
             as we walked to the museum, exploring fasci-      were surprised by the expansive collection of
             nating streets and neighborhoods along the        other international masters, including Matisse
             way. The museum building was originally a hos-    and Salvador Dali. And we especially enjoyed
             pital until 1968 and was transformed into a mu-   walking through the large landscaped courtyard
             seum in the early 1990s.                          gardens, with its artful presentation of sculp-
               Pablo Picasso’s masterpiece, “Guernica,” a      tures by Alexander Calder, Joan Miró and Ed-
             powerful depiction of the brutal bombing of the   uardo Chillida.
             city of the same name during the Spanish Civil      Originally established as a garden for Spanish
             War. Painted in 1937, the work was displayed      royalty, El Retiro Park sprawls above one of
             and housed around the world at the request of     Madrid’s busiest thoroughfares. Wandering its
             the artist who didn’t want it returned to Spain   many pathways transports locals and visitors
             until the demise of the country’s brutal dictator,  alike from urban bustle into a green oasis per-
             Francisco Franco. It has been on display at Reina  fect for picnics or just relaxing in nature. Among

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