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Good Fortune Takes Charge          an Inca warrior. Thoroughly defeated, I   to dither over purchases evaporated as
                                             followed a circuitous downhill route un-  I darted through narrow doorways into
          I must  have looked  beyond pitiful as   til spotting the hotel's cheery blue and   treasure-box shops where owners and
          I slunk into the grand lobby at Cus-  white facade.                   clerks were as fascinating as their wares.
          co's Palacio Del Inka hotel that night. I                             I did manage to resist the gorgeous al-
          vaguely remember Roger, the kind con-                                 paca sweaters and capes displayed in
          cierge who led me through an enormous                                 chic  boutiques. Instead, I  found  two
          formal suite to a cloud-soft bed. As I                                silky soft rose and violet scarves at Pure
          tried to sleep, visions of the next morn-                             Alpaca, which carries alpaca weavings
          ing's planned flight and boat ride to the                             from an Andean women's collective.
          Amazon brought on the vapors, though
          that spooky old river is one of my favor-                             Next came retablos, colorful house-
          ite places on the planet. The promise                                 shaped boxes  holding  tiny dioramas.
          of two days in Cusco, navel of the Inca                               Several friends already have nativity re-
          world, tempered disappointment as I                                   tablos from my last trip. They're always
          cancelled all further excursions.                                     in high demand. One multi-level shop
                                                                                packed with collector-quality folk art
          Determined to enjoy Cusco—Peru's best                                 carried wildly intricate two-foot tall ver-
          shopping and cultural center—I wan-                                   sions worth thousands of dollars. Mine
          dered away from the hotel in mid-after- The following morning brought rain and   came from a wizened, hard-bargaining
          noon for a short walk to the main Plaza   gloomy clouds over distant mountain   lady in a souvenir shop.
          de Armas. After hiking up a couple of   peaks, but nothing could destroy my
          steep streets I collapsed on a park bench,  final 24 hours in Peru. After chugging   Fanciful ceramic bulls, called toritos de
          studied my map and wondered how I   the doctor's mysterious brew and pills, I   Pucará, also came from modest shops.
          could possibly have missed my destina-  boldly ventured forth and hailed a cab   These caramel-colored figurines perch
          tion. The next day I realized I'd been in   to San Blas, an artsy neighborhood on   on rooftops all around the Andes bring
          the plaza all along, but was too dazed   a hill above by the Plaza de Armas. In   good fortune, prosperity and fertility to
          and exhausted to notice the baroque   a spirited, energetic shopping frenzy, I   households. They're the perfect gift for
          cathedral overlooking the plaza's multi-  managed to hand over hundreds of soles   young friends in starter houses. I had
          tiered fountain topped with a statue of   in a mere two hours. My usual tendency   stricter  requirements  for  replacing  my

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