Page 56 - washington state wine
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tiny grandmothers squeezed to the   for the mesmerizing drive past humble   Misfortune Strikes
            front of the crowd to watch elaborate-  villages beneath velvet green moun-
            ly costumed teenage dancers preen and   tains in the fertile, spiritual Sacred Val- We arrived too late for a further expe-
            parade around the square, occasionally   ley. During a brief stop at the handsome   dition up another mountain trail to the
            glancing at their phones like teens ev-  new Inkaterra Hacienda Urubamba, a   archeological  site,  but  found plenty  to
            erywhere.                          shaman blessed our journey through   admire within the nature reserve at the
                                               holy Inca lands. Wine, delicate ceviche   Inkaterra Machu Picchu Pueblo Hotel,
            The following morning, dawn tinted   and camera-worthy views of foamy riv-  where I'd stayed on my first expedition.
            clouds pink and lavender as we flew to-  ers slicing mountain peaks kept us en- After searching in vain for the rare cock-
            ward the Andes and Cusco, 11,000 feet   tertained on a posh Inca Rail train ride   of-the-rock (Peru's national bird) on a
            above sea level.  Vans awaited our group   to Machu Picchu.           short nature hike followed by a dinner

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