Page 57 - washington state wine
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of delicate, delicious trucha, I prepared   dancing a throbbing beat from my toes
          for a morning trek among pyramids   to my skull.
          and alpacas as a gentle rain whispered
          through giant ferns outside my window.  I finally called the doctor with only two
                                             hours left in my Machu Picchu stay. Af-
          Two hours later, I felt a fiesta kick into   ter receiving a shot, a swig of some mir-
          gear in my gut. Pure misery settled in   acle potion and enough pills to kill Ebola,
          for an extended stay as I shivered and   I fought self-pity while stumbling down   Above: Courtyard at Cusco’s Palacio del Inka ho-
          shuffled  between  bed  and  bath,  con-  the hotel's verdant paths to another el-  tel Left: Rural farm in the Sacred Valley. Below:
          vinced I could banish all intruders by   egant Inca Rail train for the trip back to   Dancers at Lima’s Plaza de Armas.
          morning. But the partygoers held firm,  Cusco.

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