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          Festival, where the voices of lost genera- Liverpool’s prominence as a major port   quarters of the White Star Line, operator
          tions come alive in the words "Remember   also gives the city a diversity unique in   of the Titanic. Albion House recently was
          not that we were sold, but that we were   Europe. It has the oldest black African   refurbished to become a smart, boutique
          strong."                           community in the United Kingdom, and   hotel. Called 30 James Street, it features
                                             Europe's oldest Chinese population.  64 Titanic-themed rooms.
          In  a  city  known  today for  its  music, it
          should first be remembered that the   I stayed in the city's Commercial District  A block from the Atlantic Tower Hotel is
          hymn  “Amazing  Grace”  was  written  by   at the modern Atlantic Tower Thistle   one of Britain's best-kept secrets from
          former Liverpool slave ship captain John   Hotel, which offers commanding views   World War II, a museum simply called
          Newton. He composed the stirring song   of the nearby waterfront, the Mersey fer- Western Approaches. From an under-
          after his career at sea when he became a   ry dock and of the Three Graces — the   ground warren deep in the bowels of a
          minister and anti-slavery campaigner.  Royal Liver Building; the Cunard Build-  block of offices the Allies conducted the
                                             ing, former headquarters of the shipping   Battle of the Atlantic. The top-secret
          Recognizing this past, the Liverpool City   line; and the Port of Liverpool building.  command post directed the tenuous sea
          Council in 1999 passed a motion apolo- The Liver Building is "the nest" for the   link that kept Britain supplied during
          gizing for the city’s role in the slave trade   city's symbol, two Liver (pronounced lee-  the war. A huge map room shows in
          over three centuries and acknowledged   ver) birds sculpted in metal that perch on   detail where the cat-and-mouse game
          the continuing impact of slavery on Liv-  separate clock towers.      pitting naval convoys and their escorts
          erpool’s black community.                                             against Nazi U-boats, warships and air-
                                             Nearby is Albion House, the former head-  craft was played out in a prolonged bat-

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