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Photo courtesy of Vimmerby Tourist office

          ie dough on the kitchen floor (where   Lindgren's books (including Karlsson- "There are no rides here, no long lines,"
          there's more room, of course), and has   on-the-Roof; The Children of Noisy Vil-  pointed out Nils-Magnus Angantyr,
          crazy adventures with Tommy and An-  lage; Ronia, the Robber's Daughter) that   spokesman for Astrid Lindgren's World.
          nika, the perfect children who live next   are  depicted  by  60  different  characters  "People can see chapters of her books be-
          door.   And her motto--whether it's cre-  amidst story backdrops and recreations   ing performed, can meet the characters
          atively dealing with school authorities,  of this area's rural towns.  But Pippi is   and play with them; there's a lot of im-
          policemen, or bumbling burglars--is, "I'll   the most well known, especially in the   provisation between performances."  In
          always come out on top!"           U.S., where it has sold over five million   2014, nearly a half million visited the
                                             copies.                            popular attraction, named The Nordic
          Vimmerby (pop. 15,000)--one of Swe-                                   Region's Best Theme Park.  Some 30 per-
          den's oldest towns, dating to the 12th  Although my husband and I didn't under-  cent of visitors are from other countries,
          century—is in the Småland region about   stand the Swedish spoken by the actors,  mostly Denmark, Germany, Norway,
          four hours south of Stockholm. It's   we got caught up in the exciting drama- Holland and Finland.
          where Lindgren grew up—and where the   tization of the stories, musical perfor-
          story of zany Pippi comes alive during   mances and puppet shows.  (We had ear-
          the summer months at Astrid Lindgren's   lier  visited Junibacken--the Children's   Top: Pippi and friends on stage. Opposite bot-
          World, Sweden's largest open-air theme   Museum--in Stockholm, which also has   tom: Children play at Villa Villekulla at Astrid
          park set on 180,000 square metres.   a replica of Pippi's house, the Vimmerby   Lindgren’s World--the house where Pippi lived
                                             train station, and brings stories by Lind-  with her monkey, Mr. Nilsson--and her horse on
          Founded in 1981, Sweden's version   gren and other Scandinavian authors   the front porch!
          of a literary Disneyland features 12 of   alive for kids of all ages.)

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