Page 47 - washington state wine
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                                                   | ROBERT WHITLEY |

                         alk into any wine shop with a significant  Gruner in the $15 $20 price range. Gruner is crisp and
                         inventory and most likely the selection   firm, with lip smacking acidity and inviting minerality.
                         will skew toward wines made from the   Of these three graoe varieties, Pinot Gris would come
            Wworld’s  two  most  popular  red  and  white     closest to Chardonnay in texture. Unlike its more aus-
              grape varieties, Cabernet Sauvignon and Chardonnay.  tere cousin, Pinot Grigio, Pinot Gris offers an oily tex-
                                                              ture and ripe aromas of tropical fruits and stone fruits.
              They are often referred to as “international” grapes be- J Vineyards Pinot Gris is a regular on my table at about
              cause both are versatile andadapt easily to different soils   $15 a bottle.
              and climates throughout the world, even though histori-
              cally Cabernet Sauvignon is most closely associated with   Reds: Barbera is a high acid red Italy’s Piedmont region.
              the Bordeaux region                                                         It  is brilliant  with
              and Chardonnay  the                                                         tapas and tomato-
              Burgundy region –                                                            based sauces. Two of
              both in France.                                                              my favorite Italian
                                                                                          Barberas are made by
              There is a sentiment,                                                       Michele Chiarlo and
              however,    among                                                           Vietti. Both typically
              many wine enthu-                                                             retail for less than
              siasts to take the                                                          $20. Eberle Winery
              road  less  traveled                                                         in Paso Robles makes
              and challenge the                                                           a splendid domestic
              taste  buds  with  oth-                                                     Barbera for about
              er flavors. Those who                                                       $22.
              choose this path are
              commonly known as                                                           Negroamaro is an
              the ABC crowd.  ABC                                                          earthy  red  from
              as in anything but                                                          the Puglia region
              Cabernet or anything                                                         in southern Italy. It
              but    Chardonnay.                                                           produces a rich, bold,
              That may seem like                                                           satisfying red that
              a diss, but in reality                                                       retails in the $10 $15
              it is a noble quest to                                                       range. Li Veli and
              expand the palate horizon and appreciate wines made   Tormaresca  are  both  top notch.  These  wines  represent
              from less familiar grape varieties.             tremendous value, too.
              There are so many possibilities, but for this thought ex- Rioja, despite considerable worldwide fame and acclaim,
              periment I have narrowed the potential options to three   remains one of the great values in red wine today. A Ri-
              white grapes and three red, all of which produce wines   oja crianza (meaning it is aged one year in barrel) might
              that are increasingly prominent and available in wine   fetch $12 to $15 yet deliver the satisfaction you might
              bars and wine shops throughout America.         expect from a wine at twice the price. Marques de Cace-
                                                              res and Montecillo are two of my current favorites, but
              Whites: Verdejo is a white grape primarily grown in   there are so many to choose from.
              Spain’s Rueda region. It is typically lush but with firm
              acid structure. Good Verdejo from Rueda can be had in   Rioja is typically a blend of Tempranillo and Garna-
              the $15 $25 price range.                        cha, but Tempranillo is the money grape. Rioja is ultra
                                                              smooth on the palate, with complex red and black fruit
              Gruner Veltliner is one of the flagship white wines of   aromas.
              Ausrtria, but two U.S. producers, Zocker in California
              and Dr. Konstantin Frank in New York, make superb   Email Robert at

                                                                                Wine Dine & Travel Summer/Fall 2015  47
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