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Photos by Carl H. Larsen

           tle that claimed 120,000 lives. Many of  The city's signature musical events are the   Albion House – 30 James Street Hotel, Home
           these convoys were headed for Liverpool,  annual International Beatle Week Fes-  of the Titanic:
           where during the war three or four flotil-  tival at the end of August. It is coupled
           las would arrive each week.         with the two-day Mathew Street Festival,   Atlantic Tower Thistle Hotel. Splurge for a
                                               a free musical extravaganza.       room with a magnificent view overlooking
           A short ferry ride away is The U-Boat Sto-                             the city's Pier Head:
           ry. The exhibit is built around the U-534,  My short visit was not nearly enough   Beatles Story:
           one of only four German submarines   time to explore what is an energetic, en-
           from World War II surviving in preserved   gaging and historic city — or to make it   Visiting the Beatles' childhood homes:
           condition.  The  240-ton  boat  is  cut  into   to the British Lawnmower Museum in
           four sections, allowing visitors to see   nearby Southport.            les-childhood-homes/visitor-information/
           the tight crew quarters, command cen-
           ter and torpedo bays. It was sunk off the    But that's for next time.  International Slavery Museum: www.liver-
           Danish coast by RAF aircraft at the end                      
           of the war and was not discovered until
           1986. In 1993, the intact sub was brought                              Panoramic 34 Restaurant and Bar: www.
           to the surface by a team led by a Danish
           adventurer.                                                            The U-Boat Story:

           These days, the Beatles' legacy is kept                                Western Approaches Museum: www.liver-
           alive at crowded clubs that include ven-                     
           ues once frequented by the four mop top
           lads, such as the Jacaranda pub on Slat-                               For information on rail passes and train
           er Street and the renovated Cavern Club                                travel throughout Great Britain: www.britrail.
           and other haunts on Mathew Street in                                   com
           the Cavern Quarter, around the corner
           from the Hard Days Night Hotel. At Al-                                 Top:  The Royal Iris of the Mersey is one of three
           bert Dock, the Beatles Story museum                                    ferries connecting Liverpool with the Wirral
           presents the full history of the four local                            Peninsula. The boats are Liverpool’s most pop-
           boys whose music changed the world.                                    ular fee-based attraction and today carry a mix
                                                                                  of tourists as well as commuters. Then known
           Tour buses and taxis take fans from                                    as the Mountwood, this boat was used in the
           downtown to John's and Paul's childhood
           homes, Strawberry Field, Penny Lane and                                1965 musical film “Ferry Cross the Mersey”
           the churchyard grave where Eleanor Rig-                                featuring Gerry & The Pacemakers.
           by is buried. In conjunction with his 70th                             Center: Across the River Mersey from central
           birthday in 2010, an 18-foot-high memo-                                Liverpool is a popular attraction, “The U-Boat
           rial to John Lennon by American artist  IF YOU GO                      Story.” Recovered from a watery grave off Den-
           Lauren Voiers was unveiled in Chavasse
           Park.                               For general information: www.visitliverpool.  mark, the German submarine U-534 from World
                                               com  www.visiten-  War II is one of only four that is in preserved

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