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staggering 150 million worldwide, trans- life, which involved working as a secretary, very popular; she captured the spirit of
lated into 96 languages--even Zulu! Re- journalist, book editor, and on passion- childhood for us and subsequent genera-
garded as Sweden's best-selling author, ate crusades for political issues, including tions: camaraderie, inventiveness, discov-
she wrote several dozen children's books, children's and animal rights. ery, adventurousness, tolerance of adults,
novels, short stories, poetry volumes, and kindness, simple toys and homemade
plays. "I grew up with Astrid Lindgren and her sto- clever games. All of Sweden looks to Vi-
ries," noted Anne-Charlotte Harvey, Pro- mmerby and Astrid Lindgren's memory
The exhibit's tour includes family photos, fessor Emeritus of Theatre at San Diego for guidance, sanity and humanity. She
newspaper clippings, manuscripts, and State University, and a native of Sweden. "I was truly loved by the entire country, re-
letters. There are audios of Astrid singing remember well when 'Pippi' came out. We gardless of political color, and was a wise
with her mother (she also composed mu- thought she was super, witty, and crazy! woman with a sense of humor."
sic lyrics), and interesting aspects of her "Astrid Lindgren's other books were also
52 Wine Dine & Travel Summer/Fall 2015